Friday, December 29, 2006

2006 - My Favorite Picks from the Blogosphere

Oh it's that time of the continuum when we look back at the passing of one more year and contemplate what it meant to each one of us in the broader spectrum of life. I am not trying to be cynical or delve into the psyco-analysis of what went wrong in the last 365 days of the calendar .. Here is a peek to my-best-of-2006 from the blogosphere ..

In no particular order ::

Stevey's Good Agile, Bad Agile

For all agilists, the party is over. Steve Yeggey is on song tearing apart the agile purists with the good-agile of Google. Great read.

Sriram's Lisp is Sin

A fascinating walk down the road of the language of Gods. This post has been discussed in various forums by a multitude of Lisp practitioners.

Joel's Development Abstraction Layer

A programmer's sole activity is to produce beautiful code, but it needs layers of abstraction from the organization to create a software product out of it in the market. He concludes with an analogy of Dolly Parton's performance being supported by the leakproof abstractions provided by the incredible infrastructure of managers, musicians, recording technicians, record companies, roadies, hairdressers, and publicists behind her.

Jao's Category Theory with Bananas

A very good introduction to category theory in programming languages.

Ola Bini on The Dark Ages of programming languages

Ola Bini's search continues for the next programming language that does not suck - very well written by one of the prolific programmers of today.

Another Joel's Gem : Can your Programming Language Do This ?

An eye opener to all schools who have started teaching Java as the first programming language. Once again Joel highlights the importance of functional programming through evangelizing the map/reduce techniques.

Personally ...

2006 was the year when

  • I started blogging - two months down the line I will be celebrating the first anniversary of my Ruminations blog.

  • I attended the first JavaOne of my life - it was exciting to be among the millions of Java programmers swarming inside the Moscone Center.

  • I made my first venture into the Ruby land and lived up to a promise that I will learn at least one new programming language this year. Incidentally I have also started playing around with Scala .. my initial impressions are very good. 2007 will definitely see me closer to the languages of the Gods, to rediscover the joy of programming.

  • I finally came out of the EJB fiasco and dug deep into the Spring experience, along with the usual accompaniments of Hibernate and the rest of the lightweight stack elements. EJB3 is better than EJB2, but Spring is way ahead.

  • I became a huge fan of AOP.

That's all, folks. Would be eager to hear out from all of you about any of your interesting reads in 2006. Finally, I would like to sign off 2006 with the following revelation from Paul Graham :

The pointy-haired boss is a manager who doesn't program. So the surest way to avoid becoming him is to stay a programmer. What tempts programmers to become managers are companies with old-fashioned corporate structure, where the only way to advance in salary and prestige is to go into management. So if you want to avoid becoming a PHB, avoid such companies, and work for (or start) startups.

There's the spirit, that's the spirit, the spirit of a programmer - be a programmer, remain a programmer and have respect for hacker oriented programming languages (aka Lisp). My goal for 2007 - to get more enlightened into the eval land, which John McCarthy laid out way back in the 1960s.

Happy Holidays !!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Domain Driven Design : Control Domain Object Lifetimes using Spring Custom Scoped Beans

In his celebrated book on Domain Driven Design, Eric Evans mentions that one of the biggest challenges of maintaining the integrity of a domain model is managing the lifecycle of a domain object. He states
But other objects have longer lives, not all of which are spent in active memory. They have complex interdependencies with other objects. They go through changes of state to which invariants apply. Managing these objects presents challenges that can easily derail an attempt at MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN.

Two points immediately stand out from the above, when we think of modeling a system based on principles of DDD :

  1. Domain object lifecycles need to be managed

  2. Lifecycle management needs to be decoupled from mainstream business logic

Both of the above issues can be addressed using an IoC container like Spring. And the new custom scopes of Spring 2.0 give us the real steroid towards declarative lifecycle management of domain objects.

Custom Scopes in Spring 2.0

Till 2.0, Spring provided only two levels of granularity at which you could declare your beans -

  1. Singleton, which scopes a single bean definition to a single object instance per Spring IoC container and

  2. Prototype, which scopes a single bean definition to any number of object instances. The prototype scope results in creation of a new bean instance every time a request for that specific bean is made.

Hence any other intermediate granularity of bean lifecycles had to be managed explicitly by the application itself. Spring 2.0 comes with three additional levels of bean scopes out of the box, as well as the framework to create your custom scope that suits your application needs. The ones that come out of the box are request, session and global session, which are described in detail in the Spring Reference documentation.

In this blog post, I will elaborate how the domain model can be enriched by defining beans at application defined custom scopes. I will end the post with an example of how declaring the scope as configuration, results in declarative lifecycle management of a domain object, irrespective of the layer to which the object belongs.

Scope your Domain Objects at Business Level Granularity

Prior to 2.0, non-singleton beans could only be defined with a lifecycle that creates a new instance on every access - aka the prototype scope. For beans not created by Spring, there used to be techniques like Field Level Injection and Service Location Strategy which achieves the same effect as prototype beans.

Let us consider a real life example from the financial domain, specifically, a back office system for Capital Market Trading and Settlement. We have an example of a BasketTrade, which is, essentially a collection of Trades matching some criteria and need to be processed together. No surprises here, we model a BasketTrade as :

public class BasketTrade {
  private List<Trade> trades = new ArrayList<Trade>();
  // ..
  // ..

The point to note is that the abstraction BasketTrade is just a virtual container for the collection of trades and has been created for the convenience of atomic processing of the underlying Trade objects. It is typically the root of an Aggregate, as Eric defines in his DDD book, which ceases to exist as soon as the processing is complete, e.g. all component trades are committed to the Repository.

In other words, we can define a custom scope (say, basket-scope), which defines the lifecycle of a BasketTrade bean. Typically, the application provides a BasketingService, which can be modeled as a Singleton, and can contain a BasketTrade as a scoped bean within it, injected by the IoC container.

public class BasketingService {
  private BasketTrade basket;

  public void addToBasket(Trade trade) {

  public void setBasket(BasketTrade basket) {
    this.basket = basket;

  public BasketTrade getBasket() {
    return basket;

We have two collaborating beans with different lifecycles, which can be wired up with the custom scope definitions as part of the configuration. And Spring 2.0 offers ScopedProxyFactoryBean for this purpose, which offers convenient proxy factory bean for scoped objects. Here we have the xml, which wires the domain objects with custom life cycles :

<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer">
  <property name="scopes">
    <entry key="basket"><bean class=""/></entry>

<bean id="basketTradeTarget"
  class="" scope="basket" lazy-init="true">

<bean id="basketTradeProxy"
   <property name="targetBeanName">

<bean id="basketingService" class="">
  <property name="basket" ref="basketTradeProxy"/>

Defining the BasketScope

The following is a very naive implementation of the custom basket scope. This is just for demonstrating the power of custom scopes in controlling the lifecycles of domain objects.

public class BasketScope implements Scope {
  private static final Map scope = new ConcurrentHashMap();

  public String getConversationId() {
    return null;

  public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory objectFactory) {
    Object obj = scope.get(name);
    if (obj == null) {
      obj = objectFactory.getObject();
      scope.put(name, obj);
    return obj;

  public Object remove(String name) {
    return scope.remove(name);

  public void registerDestructionCallback(String string, Runnable runnable) {
    // register any custom callback

Removing Objects with Custom Scope

This is an area which is not very clear from Spring Reference documentation. No problem, the helpful Spring community was prompt enough to give enough support to clarify all my confusions (see this thread).

For the out-of-the-box implementations of request and session scopes, the lifetime of the scoped bean ends automatically with the end of the request or session - and one can implement HttpSessionBindingListener to plug in custom destruction callback. Have a look at the implementation of DestructionCallbackBindingListener in class org.springframework.web.context.request.ServletRequestAttributes :

private static class DestructionCallbackBindingListener
    implements HttpSessionBindingListener {

  private final Runnable destructionCallback;

  public DestructionCallbackBindingListener(Runnable destructionCallback) {
    this.destructionCallback = destructionCallback;

  public void valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event) {

  public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event) {;

For a custom scope, the simplest way will be to invoke the object removal manually in the workflow. For the above example with BasketTrade, the destruction code looks like :

ScopedObject so = (ScopedObject) basketingService.getBasket();

Note that proxies returned by ScopedProxyFactoryBean implement the ScopedObject interface, which allows removing the corresponding object from the scope, seamlessly creating a new instance in the scope on next access.

And now on to a neat trick. We can encapsulate the invocation of the destruction callback into a Seam-style annotation marking the end of the conversation scope. In the above code for BasketingService, suppose we would like to end the scope of the basket after a commit to the database of all constituent trades - we have a method commit(), which after database commit will mark the end of the lifetime of the current basket. We mark this declaratively using the @End annotation.

public class BasketingService {
  // as above

  public BasketTrade commit() {
    // database commit logic
    return basket;

Finally the implementation of @End using the usual Spring AOP magic ..

public class DestroyScope {

  public void doDestroy(Object retVal) {
    ScopedObject so = (ScopedObject) retVal;

and the corresponding entry in configuration xml :

<bean id="destroyAspect" class=""></bean>


One of the great benefits of custom scopes in Spring 2.0 is the fact that it allows declarative lifecycle management of domain objects without the service location api intruding your business logic code. In the above example, the two wired beans BasketingService and BasketTrade have different lifecycles - yet the collaborating code and the associated business logic is completely oblivious about this difference. The declarative @End annotation, along with the Spring AOP magic, works behind the doors to automatically fetch a new instance of BasketTrade when the user asks for the next access.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Domain Driven Design : Service Injection Strategies in Spring and their Pitfalls - Part 2 - Service Injection into Aspects

In Part 1 of this series, I had discussed one way of injecting services into domain objects not instantiated by the Spring container - the @Configurable annotation, which provides a nice declarative semantics for encouraging rich domain models. I had also pointed out some of the pitfalls which can bite you in course of the implementation using the @Configurable technique.

One of the highlights to remember regarding the @Configurable approach is that the annotation works on a per-class basis and cannot be meaningfully enforced on class hierarchies all at once. Let us consider the case where we need to inject a service to a number of domain classes, not related by inheritance. I came across this situation recently in modeling the financial domain for developing a solution for a capital market back office system.

class Trade {
  // models a trade of a security for an account

class Settlement {
  // models a settlement of a trade

class Position {
  // models the security and cash position of an account

These three are only examples of some of the many domain classes which needed a validation sevice for the account on which they operate. It is fairly simple to inject the validation service using @Configurable - note that being domain classes, these are not instantiated by Spring container. Hence @Configurable works like a charm !

class Trade {
  private IAccountValidationService accountValidationService;
  // setter ..
  // ..

class Settlement {
  private IAccountValidationService accountValidationService;
  // setter ..
  // ..

class Position {
  private IAccountValidationService accountValidationService;
  // setter ..
  // ..

and we have the corresponding applicationContext.xml :

<bean id="trade"
  class="" scope="prototype">
  <property name="accountValidationService">
  <ref bean="defaultAccountValidationService"/>

<bean id="settlement"
  class="" scope="prototype">
  <property name="accountValidationService">
  <ref bean="defaultAccountValidationService"/>

<bean id="position"
  class="" scope="prototype">
  <property name="accountValidationService">
  <ref bean="defaultAccountValidationService"/>

<bean name="defaultAccountValidationService"

One of the disturbing points of the above configuration is the boilerplate repetition of the service injection for accountValidationService. If tomorrow we need to change the validation strategy, we need to change entries for all of them separately - a violation of DRY. And had it not been for this service, we need not have an entry in the configuration file for these domain classes at all !

When Dealing with Repetitions, Think Aspects

Clearly the above domain classes cannot be related through any common parentage - so we cannot capture them directly on their head. Why not have an extra level of indirection that enables us to do so ? Adrian Coyler explains this strategy succinctly in this article and I will try to summarise my experience in using it in a domain modeling exercise.

Let us have the domain classes themselves advertise the services that they want to subscribe to ..

class Trade implements IAccountValidationClient {
  // ..

class Settlement implements IAccountValidationClient {
  // ..

class Position implements IAccountValidationClient {
  // ..

Aha .. now at least we have the head to catch - we need to determine how we can inject the service in all of them using the head. Think Pointcuts ..

pointcut clientCreation(IAccountValidationClient aClient) :
  initialization( &&
  !initialization( &&

This will capture all instantiations of classes that subscribe to account validation service by implementing IAccountValidationClient. Once we have the instantiations intercepted through a pointcut, can we inject a service into each of them through an aspect ? Note that the service injection cannot be done through inter-type declarations or type introductions, since all of the classes will actually be using the service in-situ, while inter-type declaration introduces the new service off-site in the aspect definition. e.g.

class Trade implements IAccountValidationClient {
  // ..

  public void validate(..) {
    // validate account using validation service
    // the validation service has to be declared in-situ

Inject the Service into an Aspect

Create an aspect with the above pointcut, inject the service into it and use the injected service in an aspect advice to reinject it into the client using the matching joinpoint. The only question is how to inject the service into an aspect .. and this is where Spring rocks. Spring allows you to specify a factory method which the container will use for instantiation of the bean. And AspectJ exposes the method aspectOf for every aspect, which precisely fits the situation like a glove. Marry the two and what you have is pure magic :

<bean name="accountValidationServiceInjector"
  <property name="service"><ref bean="accountValidationService"/></property>

The aspect gets the service injected after instantiation through the aspectOf factory method.

The Missing Block in the Puzzle - the Advice that Gets Weaved

Here is the complete aspect :

public aspect AccountValidationServiceInjector {
  private IAccountValidationService service;

  public void setService(IAccountValidationService service) {
    this.service = service;

  pointcut clientCreation(IAccountValidationClient aClient) :
    initialization( &&
    !initialization( &&

  after(IAccountValidationClient aClient) returning :
    clientCreation(aClient) {
    if (aClient.getAccountValidationService() == null) {

and the relevant portions of a client :

public class Settlement implements IAccountValidationClient {

  private IAccountValidationService accountValidationService;

  public IAccountValidationService getAccountValidationService() {
    return accountValidationService;

  public void setAccountValidationService(
    IAccountValidationService aValidationService) {
    this.accountValidationService = aValidationService;

  // ...

It does not need the @Configurable annotation and hence the configuration boilerplates disappear. And if we need to change the validation strategy, we need to change only one entry for the aspect accountValidationServiceInjector in the applicationContext.xml.

Strategy Specialization using @Configurable

The above technique injects an implementation of a service across all domain objects that publish their willingness for the service. It may so happen, that some of them may need to go for a specialized service implementation.

e.g. in our domain, the account validation service for Position needs to check if the Position Management Service is subscribed for the account in the contract with the Custodian. This calls for a special validation service to be injected for Position class. This can be done using @Configurable on top of the above generalized injection.

class Position {
  private IAccountValidationService accountValidationService;
  // setter ..
  // ..

Here are the corresponding entries in applicationContext.xml for the specialized service :

<bean name="specialAccountValidationService"

<bean id="position"
  <property name="accountValidationService">
    <ref bean="specialAccountValidationService"/>

With the above specialization, all classes implementing IAccountValidationClient will be injected with DefaultAccountValidationService, except Position, which will get an instance of SpecialAccountValidationService. Note that this may require an explicit setting of aspect precedence as I mentioned in Part 1.


I found the above technique quite useful in injecting common services to domain classes at large. The main advantages were realized with reduced size of the configuration xml and ease of adaptability to changes in implementation.

The main pitfall with this approach is with respect to injection upon deserialization (the same as @Configurable), which can be addressed using the same technique that Ramnivas has adopted in fixing @Configurable.

Another pitfall of this approach is that all clients need to implement the interface explicitly and have the setters programmed within the domain class. But this is a one time effort and has no impact on future changes to service implementation. It may be an interesting exercise to use Java Generics to reduce the boilerplates that need to be coded in the domain abstractions. The important point to consider here is that every domain class may implement multiple service clients - I tried to model this with Java Generics, but only banged my head with type erasure getting in the way ..

class Trade implements IAppClient<IAccountValidationService>, IAppClient<IAuditService> {
  // ..

No good in the current implementation of Java generics.

In the next part of this series, I will have a look at the non-singleton services and how the new Spring 2.0 scoped beans can provide an elegant solution for some such typical use cases. For now, I need some more caffeine kick .. Spring 2.0.1, the NetBeans platform, the new release of Scala .. too many toys to play around with in my list for now ..

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Domain Driven Design : Service Injection Strategies in Spring and their Pitfalls - Part 1

One of the exciting features that Spring 2.0 offers is the ability to inject dependencies into arbitrary domain objects, even when the domain object has not been created by Spring. This is achieved by using the annotation @Configurable on the domain object. I have blogged on this before and had described how this declarative dependency injection helps us in architecting rich domain models.

@Configurable is based on AspectJ's powerful AOP support, though the user can be blissfully oblivious to the nitty gritties of the implementation. In this post, I would like to discuss some of the pitfalls of @Configurable, as it stands today, with Spring 2.0.1. This will open up a discussion towards other strategies of service injection in domain objects using the combination of Spring DI and aspects. I plan to model this to be a nice little series discussing the various service injection strategies, their applications and their pitfalls. Hence the optimistic Part 1 in the title line. Stay tuned ..

@Configurable - Do I need to care about the implementation ?

The Spring reference documentation says
The @Configurable annotation marks a class as eligible for Spring-driven configuration.

This statement gives us a nice declarative semantics for dependency injection into objects not instantiated by Spring. Cool .. but unfortunately as they say, the devil is in the details. And, as a user of this contract, I still need to care about the fact that the semantics of this annotation has been implemented using an aspect. Aspects, provided by the framework, which weave into application code, always tend to be invasive, and there can be side-effects, if I have to plug in my own aspect into the very same domain object. Recently in one of the domain model implementations, I had to introduce explicit precedence on aspects to get my desired functionality :

public aspect Ordering {
  declare precedence: *..*AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect*, *;

So, implementation of @Configurable, may have side-effects on user code. Watch out ..

@Configurable - Not Inheritance Friendly

Spring reference documentation does not mention this explicitly, but the fact is that @Configurable does not handle inheritance correctly. This is related to the implementation mechanism of initialization joinpoints. In case of a pointcut matching an instance with a superclass and a superinterface (e.g. class Implementation extends Parent implements Interface), three initialization joinpoints will be identified - one for the instance (Implementation), one for the superclass (Parent) and one for the superinterface (Interface). Hence the advice will also be executed thrice, once for every matching joinpoint.

@Configurable implementation is based on the AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect, which is implemented in AspectJ. The following is the corresponding pointcut definition :

public aspect AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect extends AbstractBeanConfigurerAspect {
  // ...
  protected pointcut beanCreation(Object beanInstance) :
    initialization((@Configurable *).new(..)) && this(beanInstance);

while the advice comes from the base aspect :

public abstract aspect AbstractBeanConfigurerAspect extends BeanConfigurerSupport {

  after(Object beanInstance) returning : beanCreation(beanInstance) {
  // ...

Note that the pointcut is based on the initialization joinpoint of the bean instance. If the annotation is used on a class which has one or more parents in the inheritance hierarchy, then the method configureBean() will be executed once for every matching joinpoint. Now, configureBean() is idempotent - hence the end result will be the same. But still there is a performance overhead for multiple executions of the method.


public class Trade {
  // ...

public class CashTrade extends Trade {
  // ...

For the above example, issuing a new CashTrade() will invoke configureBean() twice on the instance created.

@Configurable and Deserializability

Deserializing a @Configurable object loses all its injected dependencies. In a clustered environment where serializing and deserializing is a common phenomenon, this is a real problem. Currently the only way to overcome this issue is for the user to write a subaspect of AbstractBeanConfigurerAspect, which takes care of restoring the dependencies on deserialization. While this solves the problem for the user, ideally this should have been taken care of by the framework. The good part is that, Ramnivas has already posted a patch for this problem in the Spring JIRA, which solves the problem almost completely. As he mentions in the comment, the solution will be exactly foolproof with a minor change in the next release of AspectJ.

Apart from the above 3 pitfalls, there are some other problems with @Configurable related to bean location failures for AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect in hierarchical contexts. Compared to the above three, this is a more specialized occurrence since hierarchical contexts are comparatively rare.

Next time when you use @Configurable, keep an eye on these gotchas. While none of these problems are unsurmountable and we will have the fixes in future releases, these are the pitfalls that we need to consider today when deciding on the service injection strategy for domain objects. In the next part of this series, we will look at yet another strategy for service injection, which uses Spring IoC to inject dependencies into aspects instead of objects. There are situations where we may prefer the latter approach over the more user-friendly @Configurable, but that is the subject of another post, another day ..

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Shop During Office Hours - It's Google Business Model in Action

Here is one straight from the Official Google Blog ..

Googler Tom Oliveri of the Google Checkout team, blogs on Google encouraging its employees on an online shopping spree on Cyber Monday. The employees freaked out on the discounts available through Google Checkout, definitely had a great feel good factor for their employer. Which employer, on earth, will encourage its employees to use office working hours to go an online shopping day out ?

It's Google, and this is yet another great deployment of their innovative business model ..